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CA8463Roll Turning Lathe

1, the main purpose of the machine tool and basic components

1.1 the main purpose

Machine tools for special roll machine, mainly for the steel mill processing roll groove, the forming cutter, the roller as Ф 300 ~ Ф 630 mm of the pass of the roll groove machining and repair. Also the outer cylindrical surface of the roll for rough machining and some other shaft parts processing.

1.2 the basic component of machine tool:

Machine tool by the bed, headstock, tailstock, tool holder, slip board box, center and other major parts.

Machine adopts integral head design, enough rigidity, big cutting force.

2、 Main technical parameters

2.1 Max workpiece diameter………………………………………… 630mm

2.2 Min workpiece diameter………………………………………… 300mm

2.3 High of center………………………………………………… 380mm

2.4 Max workpiece length…………………………………………3500mm

2.5 Max workpiece weight……………………………………………6.5t

2.6 Main motor power………………………………………………22KW

2.7 Machine size(L*W*H)……………7042×1571×1520mm

2.8 Machine weight……………………………………14t


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